Friday, November 29, 2019

Philosophy Issues Paleys Argument of Eye and Telescope

I. I. â€Å"I know of no better method of introducing so large a subject, than that of comparing a single thing with a single; an eye, for example, with a telescope. As far as the examination of the instrument goes, there is precisely the same proof that the eye was made for vision, as there is that the telescope was made for assisting it.† (William Paley).Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Philosophy Issues: Paley’s Argument of Eye and Telescope specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Paley argues that an eye and a telescope are so much specialized in their function that they cannot be the product of an accident. They must have been designed. Even if we have never seen the designer, we should not claim that there is none. Paley (1) started his argument by the perception that someone has when he randomly meets stone and a watch. The person who meets a stone will conclude that the stone could have been t here all along or been there purposelessly. However, the watch must have been made by someone because there is no way different parts can come together by themselves to perform a single function. The strength of Paley’s argument is that a good product is rarely the outcome of chance or an accident. An eye and a telescope are almost similar in the parts that they assemble to provide vision, particularly in the use of lenses and the formation of the image behind the lenses. If the parts of the telescope must be assembled by a designer, it follows that the parts of an eye must have been assembled as well (Paley 2). Paley’s argument creates the impression that living things have parts that are so much specialized that they must have an author. In a human being, there are sets of organs that perform specialized functions. The organs operate more efficiently to conserve energy. According to Darwin, the parts evolved from simple forms to more complicated and specialized forms . Whewell (194), in response to Lyell’s Principles, declared that there should be evidence of the cause of the change from one form to another. Darwin (8) argued that the cause of change is the struggle for existence. It allows individuals who are highly adapted to propagate their genes at the expense of the weaker ones of the same species. There is evidence of a continuous struggle for existence among living things. The question that can be raised is that a species cannot develop an eye if it is not encrypted in their DNA. Someone would want to know how the struggle for existence has finally resulted in the encryption of new parts into the DNA of a certain species.Advertising Looking for term paper on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Biology indicates that animals may change the size, color, and shape of existing parts only because they already exist in their DNA. In Biology, only certain chemicals may resul t in the change of the DNA. The struggle for existence cannot change the DNA that can result in the formation of new parts. However, it can result in stronger and better-adapted parts and forms of life (Darwin 8). Hume (4) dismissed the adaptation of parts because the animals that become adapted finally die and new ones are produced. However, Darwin’s approach is that animals that have certain better abilities propagate their genes because of their specialized abilities. In the example of the eye, a human being with the best vision survives in the jungle and is able to produce offspring. The one with a poor vision dies with no offspring. In the end, only those with a perfect sight remain. In this case, only eagles with the best vision and the swiftest grasp remain. However, what would have forced human beings or eagles to form eyes cannot be described with certainty in the first place. Stumbling upon some chemical that alters the DNA cannot produce eyes. The struggle for exis tence may not change the DNA. Paley argued that something that happens by chance could produce â€Å"a wart, a mole, a simple, but never an eye† (5). A pimple is possible because it is not an assembly of different parts performing one function. In all cases, the argument is the same. A stone is not an assembly of parts. It can be formed through chance. Human beings would like to develop wings to fly. When the struggle for existence can be used as a cause for the prevalence of the more specialized forms, there is no evidence of struggle among celestial bodies arranged in sustainable patterns. Isaac Newton’s thought is that â€Å"the stars are so evenly spaced throughout the heavens and cannot be understood without reference to God’s intentions† (â€Å"Darwin, evolution and modern history: Dar Rev 2014 Slides Living 1† 7). One would wonder what made the stars evenly distributed that they do not collide or merge to become one huge body. They do not st ruggle to exist. It is similar to Paley’s argument where an assembly of different parts results in a system that functions together harmoniously. They cannot assemble by chance without the outcome of an accident. The outcome of an accident is likely to involve a waste. Waste may include parts that do not add value to the functioning of the system. According to Darwin (8), unused parts are eliminated through time.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Philosophy Issues: Paley’s Argument of Eye and Telescope specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Organic fossils need to be studied similarly to the rocks. Whewell discussed that â€Å"the fossils and medals found under city ruins are to be used in the same spirit and purpose† (500). Scientists face the problem of creating a link between stages. For example, the small gradual changes from Homo Habilis to Homo Erectus. Lyell explained that it would have been possible if â€Å"it was part of the plan of nature to preserve an unbroken series of monuments to commemorate the vicissitudes of the organic creation† (34). Scientists have tried to develop a link between different stages in the evolution of mankind. However, there are millions of species that would need a similar linkage. Both Darwin and Paley base their argument on the vertebrates, which have similar body structures in terms of bone formation and body functions. However, the two authors differ on the issue of the origin of species. Paley holds that a similar body structure is a sign of contrivance, which assures the existence of a designer. Darwin uses a similar body structure to infer a common origin. Paley gives a valid argument that an assembly of different parts cannot occur by chance. Darwin’s theory is left with the difficult task of proving how new parts are encrypted into the DNA of young ones because they may not be of generic value (Darwin 12). The s olar system is an assembly of celestial bodies that do not struggle to exist. One would wonder what made the planets develop different masses and atmospheric characteristics if they have the same origin. II. â€Å"It is remarkable how Darwin recognized among beasts and plants his English society with its division of labor, competition, opening up of markets, ‘inventions’, and Malthusian ‘struggle for existence’ —with Darwin the animal kingdom figures as a bourgeois society.† (Karl Marx in correspondence with Friedrich Engels.) Darwin recognized that among beasts and plants there is a division of labor. Plants provide animals with food and oxygen. In return, animals provide carbon dioxide and manure for plants (Marx and Engels par. 2). There is competition whenever beasts have an interest in the same resources. Lions will kill hyenas to reduce competition for meat. Wolves and cheetahs will target the same animals for food. The same competition occurs among human beings when there is a conflict of interest. Division of labor may also occur in animals of the same species. For example, male lions may guard the boundaries and lionesses may specialize in hunting. There is a great division of labor among human beings. Division of labor increases productivity among human beings.Advertising Looking for term paper on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The farmer has ample time to carry out his duties as a result of taking his children to school. Some animals feed while others watch out. It allows those that feed ample time to find the best food and adequate quantities. It also eliminates distraction from those that are on the lookout for predators. According to the statement, the struggle is an occurrence of chance emerging from overpopulation and the struggle for existence. It leads to the invention in animals as in mankind. As a result of the struggle and invention, a baboon finds out that it can be more satisfied by feeding on a single flamingo rather than plant shoots. However, there is difficulty in catching flamingoes. Opening up of markets is where animals will go further than usual in such food and water. During periods of scarcity, animals may widen the boundaries in which they search for food. Plenty of food in an area may also invite animals from far regions. In English society, merchants were known to bring supplies o f goods that were scarce in England. In return, they would export those that are in plenty. In the animal kingdom, animals have several options among different animals that they can hunt for food. The ones found in plenty are easily killed. They will be frequently hunted until their numbers are reduced. Paley (7) argued that it is a system to prevent overpopulation. In business, inventions come as a result of trying to gain a competitive advantage over other businesses. In the animal kingdom, the invention provides better knowledge that allows an animal to use less effort in the struggle for existence. The need for invention comes as a result of competition. The propagation of species is such that animals of the same species have certain advantages over other species different from their own. Darwin (59) argued that there is intense competition among animals of the same species because of the similarity of abilities. The differences among species create a form of divided labor. Anim als of different species tend to target different parts of the same resources. Their abilities are increasingly being adapted for the different resources they target. The division of labor among species reduces the struggle for existence and increases the chances of survival. A giraffe feeds on trees and a gazelle on the grass. The height of the giraffe and its kicks prevent a lion from reaching its throat easily. The gazelle’s speed is its best rescue. Each species survives, according to their different abilities. Within the species, those which display stronger qualities of their competitive abilities can propagate their genes. Competition emerges from seeking the same resources and from overpopulation. Paley (7) argued that â€Å"pain teaches vigilance and caution, gives notice to danger, and excites those endeavors which may be necessary to preserve the species† (7). As a result of scarcity of resources brought about by overpopulation, the proletariat would turn ag ainst the bourgeoisie. Hume (5) described a situation where insects can molest lions despite their strength. The Malthusian theory predicts the intensification of the struggle for existence as a result of overpopulation. In the animal kingdom, the search for green plants intensifies as the population of herbivores increase. However, their population is kept at a sustainable number by the carnivores. Mankind has been able to reproduce at a high rate after reducing the struggle for existence from the struggle of necessities to the struggle for additional pleasures. The bourgeoisie society has been described with a continuous class struggle for necessities and enjoyment (Marx and Engels par. 4). Engels draws a difference between the bourgeoisie struggles in mankind from that of animals because animals only gather finished products and are more concerned about necessities (Marx and Engels par. 4). Some animals may show an indication of enjoyment too. Birds satisfied with the necessity o f food and water may bathe in the soil as a form of relaxation. The bourgeoisie is known as a society where everyone seeks his own benefit (Marx and Engel par. 13). The animal kingdom is similar. Animals may also be friendly to their own kind once they have satisfied their individual needs. The struggle where everyone seeks to satisfy their individual needs leads to those who are more adapted to the changing conditions to survive when the weaker of their species are wiped out by scarcity. Division of labor may have resulted in better-performing parts. The different body parts form systems that are better adapted for their function. Different species also specialize in areas that provide a better chance of survival. Adam Smith claimed that a â€Å"workman not educated to this business, has by the division of labor rendered a distinct trade† (8). It is the situation when a workman gains skills through practice rather than education. It is similar to Darwin’s view that di fferent species have gained competitive advantages by repeatedly using certain abilities (Darwin 8). The abilities that provide a species with its distinction become a common feature among the offspring that will be able to survive in the struggle for existence. Marx and Engel (par. 2), in the statement, were not surprised that the same theory used in history could be used in natural sciences. At a glance, human beings may appear free from the struggle for existence. Invention and innovation have allowed mankind to live in numbers that would be considered overpopulation if human beings lived in their natural state. A closer look at animals, one realizes similar struggles as those of mankind. The search for new markets and division of labor are inventions that tend to create an advantage over individuals and nations. The individual that innovates becomes dominant. Historically, the most successful men were able to sire more children than the less successful men. Currently, the trend has changed because men are afraid to have more children alarmed by economic difficulties. It goes back to Paley’s argument that the struggle creates an awareness of danger, which reduces overpopulation in human beings. Today, in a more developed country like England, there is hardly direct combat in the struggle for resources. However, the struggle for existence has not stopped. It will be evident in firms that restructure to remain in the market place. There are individuals who develop rare technical skills, which allow them to tap into resources that are hardly available to the majority. Animals as well may develop rare skills that allow a species to tap into resources unreachable to others. Works Cited Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or, The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. 6th ed. 2009. New York: Cambridge University Press. Print. â€Å"Darwin, evolution and modern history: Dar Rev 2014 Slides Living 1†. Web. Hume, David. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (1779). Passages distributed in class. Lyell, Charles. Principles of Geology [1830-1833, vol. 3], London: John Murray. Passages distributed in class. Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels. Marx-Engels Correspondence 1875: Engels to Lavrov 12 November 1875. n.d. Web. Paley, William. Natural Theology or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, Collected from the Appearances of Nature. 12th ed. 1809. London: Fauldner. Darwin-online Organization. Web. Smith, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations [1776], 5th ed. 1904. London: Methuen. Passages distributed in class. Whewell, William. History of the Inductive Sciences (1837). Passages distributed in class. This term paper on Philosophy Issues: Paley’s Argument of Eye and Telescope was written and submitted by user Paris Wilcox to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Study for the ACT 10-Step Plan

How to Study for the ACT 10-Step Plan SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The ACT is quite possibly one of the most important tests you'll take in high school; it's vitalto go in prepared.With somany sources offering thesolution to your test preparation needs, how are you supposed to know which path to take? What follows is a summary of the best advice I haveto offer on how to studyfor the ACT, based on my extensive experience as a tutor.I'll cover when to start studying, where to find practice materials, and how to approach the process itself. This guide will give you a complete plan for studying for the ACT. 3 Guiding Principles of ACT Study We'll get to the specific recommendations in a minute, but first I want to establish the underlying tenets that should guide your ACT preparation. #1: Personalize and Individualize No two people are exactly alike- nor should their study plans be. Make sure your study plan suits your individual needs. We at PrepScholar know a lot about test prep, but you know the most aboutyou. Think about how you can use the flexibility in our suggested plan to serve you better. If you'd rather study two hours straight, fine. If you'd rather study for four half-hour increments, that's fine, too. Do what's going to work best for you! #2: Start Early Give yourself plenty of time for the test preparation process. Three months should be sufficient for most students' needs, but those looking for an extreme score increase might need to stretch this timeline out to six months. Of course, that means you should know which boat you're in at least six months ahead of the test, so you'll want to start paying some attention to the process that early. #3: Doing Something Beats Doing Nothing What if you don't have six months, or even three months, to think about test preparation? What if you only have 15 minutes a day that you can spend studying? What if you don't have four hours free to take a practice exam? Use what you have- even if it's just 15 minutes a day for a month and a half, it'll be much better than nothing. If you have to break your practice exam(s) into multiplesittings, so be it. Not being in a position to do something right shouldn't be an excuse for not doing it at all.A little preparation is better than none. Even very little outweighs nothing at all. The ACT Prep Process: 10-Step Plan Now that we've covered the basics, let's get into the detailsof how to study for the ACT. Step 1: Read Up on the ACT If you have any lingering doubts about the ACT'sformat, its scoring, or the implications of various scores on your college hopes, this is the time to sort those questions out. Being fully comfortable with the test will help you relax a little, not to mention study more effectively. Step 2: Take a Practice Test Give this first test your best effort so as to get a more realistic score. On that note, make sure you're using an official ACT practice test. These will give you the most accurate sense of the ACT as well as the most accurate results. Plus, they're available for free! While you're taking this practice exam, make sure to read the instructions carefully;getting used to these directions will be a vital part of your test preparation. They don't change from edition to edition of the test, and you don't want to waste time on test day reading the same directions you could have grown familiar with months ago. Besides, fully understanding the task will save you a lot of grief. Oftentimes, we tend to answer the wrong question because we don't fully realize what's being asked of us. Step 3: Score Your Practice Test Review each and every question you got wrong. See why you missed the questions you did. Which ones were careless errors, and which ones were genuine weak spots in terms of content? Pay attention to all these problems since they give you good information on your tendencies, including where you tend to get careless and where you need to understand the directions better. Many practice tests come complete with answer explanations,and these are a great tool to use when you're looking at the problems you missed. Otherwise, try plugging the correct answer in and working through the problem with the goal in mind; this might help clarify things. Don't forget you can also ask for help if you're still struggling to make sense of something. Once you've got a good handle on which questions you missed (and why you missed them), try to identify the patterns of your strengths and weaknesses. Treat this as a diagnosis for where to spend the majority of your time for the next fewmonths. Step 4: Set a Reasonable Goal You know how the ACT works and you know where you stand. How much do you think you could stand to improve? What's a bit of a stretch, but still realistic? If you're scoring in the low 20s, it's too much to expect to land in the 30s. If you're scoring in the mid- to high 20s, though, a goal in the 30s might be reasonable depending on how committed you are to the process and how many resources you're willing and able to use. To set a specific ACT goal score, you'll need to look at the average ACT scores of admitted applicants to the schools you're applying to.Your goal score must be higher than these averages to give you the best chance of admission. For more tips on how to set an ACT goal score, check out our step-by-step guide. Winning at darts while blindfolded isnot a reasonablegoal. Step 5: Decide What Tools You'll Use Whatever course you take for studying, you'll need some good resources. Official resources are always the place to start.If you need to supplement ACT, Inc.'s materials, though, make sure you're looking at the credentials behind anyproduct and the average results of the people who have used itbefore you. You might choose to work solo, using books,websites, and apps on your own. This is something you should be doing to some extent no matter what. Again, you're the expert on you,so it makes sense to work out some kinks on your own. It's one of the most efficient and cheapest ways to study. Many times, however, it's not quite enough. You might choose to take advantage of an online prep program. This is kind of a happy medium; you're still working on your own, but you're getting external guidance and expertise. The guidance is all based on your work and progress and uses very accurate algorithms. That being said, it lacks that personal touch of in-person contact. You might choose to join a group course. There, you can bounce ideas around with peers and a facilitator. You've got the in-person feel, you've got great accountability, and you can ask questions specific to your needs, but the true personalization will be somewhat limited by the format. You can also choose individual tutoring. The great thing about this option is that you can get the most specialized, individualized, expert instruction available.You also get that in-person need met, though the cost is frequently prohibitive and your time with your tutor will almost certainly be limited by logistical constraints. Generally speaking, you're going to get your best results when you mix and match.It would be ideal if you could work on your own while also taking a course or completing an online program and getting tutoring. Of course, you'll need to consider all the practical restraints such as budget.Figure out what's going to get you the results you need without causing undue hardship in the present time. Step 6: Practice Follow some sort of routine for your ACT practice. Generally, you should be studying between 30 minutes and three hours each time you study- closer to 30 minutes if you're studying pretty much every day, and closer to three hours if you're only studying a couple times a week. Try to usea combination of books, websites/videos, and in-person guidance. No matter what resources you're using, it's a good idea to switch things up once in a while so you cover all your bases and give your brain a degree of variety. Our brains thrive on change, so take advantage of this fact. Step 7: Take Another Practice Test This is where things start to sound a little repetitive. You'll want to take another practice test to measure your progress. This also serves as a chance to to continue getting more comfortable with the format and layout of the ACT. You're actually going to do this a fewmore times, too,if you have room in your schedule. There's nothing like a mock exam for practicing both content and format. Aim to take a practice ACT every three weeks. You can take them less often if testing so frequently doesn't make sense in your situation, or you can opt for more often if you're feeling shaky on the tasks. Regardless,aim for at least three practice tests before the real thing. It's best to take each practice test in a single sitting under actual exam conditions so you can acclimate to the environment. This means taking the test in a quiet room and using the same time constraints you'll have on the ACT. Afterwards, analyze your results with the same care you did the first time around and plan any necessary adjustments to your routine. Time for ACT practice tests should come around periodically. Step 8: Practice Some More Continue on with your ACT study routine, making any adjustments according to the results of your most recent practice exam. Keep using the resources that helped you the most during the last round of practice, and also keep incorporating variety into your drills. Whether you're working with a tutor or not, it's a great idea to find someone who's willing to help you by being a test preparation "buddy." This could be anyone from a parent to a friend to a school librarian, just as long as they hold you accountable to your process and encourage you along the way. Step 9: Repeat Steps 7 and 8 As I mentioned before, things become cyclical at this point. You're going to study and test, study and test, right up until exam time. Keep assessing your progress,and keep asking others who are following your effortsto weigh in. Always be open to adjusting your process according to what's working and what's not. The week before the test, start to slow things down. Don't take a practice exam in that final week, and don't study quite as much; you know what you know, and it's no use driving yourself into a frenzy trying to cram anyremaining factoids into your brain. A day or two before the test, stop studying altogether, and use that time to rest and recuperate. Step 10: Maintain Self-Care Throughout the process of studying, make sure you're taking good care of yourself, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Give yourself regular encouragement. Get ample rest and do some recreational activities. Reward your hard work with small treats, whether that's an ice cream cone or a walk in the park. While you should always pay attention to your sleep,it becomes especially crucial three days to a week before the test. Our bodies don't operatesolely onthe sleep of the night before but a night or two before that. Gather all your materials the night before the ACT, and don't forget to have a good breakfast and plan in plenty of extra time for getting to the test center. Also, remind yourself that while the ACT is an important test, it doesn't define you or your future success.Keep the test in perspective. Reminders for Your ACT Studying Reading is hugely important. Even when you're not officially studying for the test, reading many different styles and genres (and actively engaging with the texts) can help prepare you for the ACT, specifically the Reading and English sections. Set minor goals to help you achieve your overarching goal. It's great to see goals getting checked off the list, and having a set of actionable, achievable items to work toward will provide invaluable guidance when you're not sure where to go next. I've said this before, but vary the sources you use and the ways you study.Our brains tend to shut down after too much repetition, so throw yourself a few curve ballswhenever possible. Remember that study buddy I said to find? Seek them out for encouragement and use them to help you stay on track when things get difficult. They can talk you through any challenges that arise in your prep. People who will give you good counsel are invaluable. Conclusion: How to Study for the ACT Studying for the ACT can seem like an overwhelming task. However,by establishing a routine of studying and taking full-length practice tests, it can be broken down into manageable steps. Your ACT study plan should be personalized,but it should also include some basic elements like frequent practice tests and varied sources to use in solo study. Similarly, it's a good idea to pursue an ACT prep course (in-person or online) and/or individual tutoring. In all of this, though, don't forget to take care of yourself- the ACT should be serving you, not the other way around.Get good rest, and make time for the fun things in life. Remember that the ACT does not determine your fate all alone. What's Next? If you want to get started on reading up about the ACT,we've got an article that covers what exactly a good score looks like, along with tips on how to get there. Need help coming up with an ACT study plan?Check out our four sample plans, and get tips on how to study for the ACT if you've only got a month before test day. Aiming for a perfect ACT score?Then read our expert tips on how to get one, from a verified 36 scorer. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing Management class discussion wk11 Coursework

Marketing Management class discussion wk11 - Coursework Example The first name is always the easiest to remember a person by. The campaign make use of diverse communication modes, such as advertising, sales promotion and public relations and publicity (Kotler & Keller, 2015). Coca cola has invested heavily in advertising the campaigns. Television advertisement is rampant to alert the product consumers of what they have to offer. Other advertising methods includes use of brochures at the sales points, billboard along busy streets, point of sales displays and packaging inserts. Prior to campaign, the company did massive streets campaign, trade shows and fairs to promote their product (Coca-Cola, 2013). The use of names in the brand was symbolic of social interactions. One could have a psychological connection with the brand. Consequently, the right brain possessing the dire need to consume the drink is hyper-activated. Pleasure effect activation leads to an intense feeling to purchase more. Concisely, there is development of an element of ownership via the name on the bottle. Personalisation transfers the eventual meaning to the brain, hence one have a total notion of Coca cola as a true brand. The success of the campaign is evident with the escalation in consumption by 9%, with further increase in Facebook page

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Frankfurt Thesis presented on Bullshit, Why is this of Particular Essay

Frankfurt Thesis presented on Bullshit, Why is this of Particular Importance to Public Affairs - Essay Example According to Frankfurt (2005) the thesis is used to help people to develop integrity and honest in whatever they do. Bullshit if practised to a larger extent make the country to lag behind in the area of development hence people need to avoid such act so that to improve the public affairs of he country . In business such practice is also common where business people cheat their customers to help them make a lot of profit. Government official to some extent have also embraced bullshit and in turn it has made people to loose trust for them. Citizens at the end of the day prefer private firms than governmental since in private sectors the rate of bullshit is low. In courts people use bullshit for them to be in a position to win a case, they hire lawyers whom they believe they are good at making stories hence they fake stories. The person may be guilty of a particular crime but because of bullshit they are claimed to be innocent in such cases some people end up suffering since justice is not granted. Frankfurt (2005) states that bullshit is great concern in the country since it may bring it down or take it up in terms of development. Children in most cases practice bullshit to avoid being punished by their parents. Politicians practice this to help them win the votes especially during elections in most countries. The politicians promise so much good things of which none is accomplished by the end of their time in the leadership. In relationships, bullshit is also practiced especially by the partners who are not faithful to each other; one may claim to love another just because of money and not on the basis of true love. This act has been promoted by the use of mobile phones where someone may say he is at a certain yet he is lying. In conclusion bullshit should be discouraged for the country to develop to a greater extent. Some cultures promote bullshit hence people should be enlightened and warned against such cultures and traditions. Bullshit in most cases is prac ticed in places where dirty things are done especially during odd hours since this practice should illegal. Children should be brought up in the right manner and discipline given I case they go an extra mile to practice bullshit. "Lie down for America" the Role of Ideology in Frank's Article, Does it Apply to Canadian Politics? Ideologies are assumptions that are neither right nor wrong, in most cases they have both the merits and the demerits for one to put into practice a certain ideology then he should weigh the if the merits outweigh the demerits . In several countries like Canada several ideologies have been used in various aspects especially politically, most of the politicians come up with ideologies and convince them citizens to go for them. As much as the ideology may be embraced by some people others may view it as a wrong thing hence fight against it. In some countries voting is used for an ideology to be put in place, if the majorities are for the ideology then it is put in. Choosing an ideology is subjective hence one may choose to be against it hence he should not be forced to go for the ideology as much as it may be good and of importance. Frank (2004) states that ideologies have been applied in several sectors in Canada, ideologies such as multiculturalism, peace making and sovereignty control were embraced. Ideologies play several roles in the society since it serve as an

Monday, November 18, 2019

Industry Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Industry Analysis - Research Paper Example When we mention drugs, there are those specifically targeted to help smokers, for example ginseng. Many of its effects are similar to those of nicotine, for example the herb lowers stress levels while boosting energy. The immune system is also boosted using this herb which is normally prepared by brewing it into tea (Charles, Marianne 2009). Kava is another herb that mimics the effects of nicotine such as relieving of anxiety and stress. It also acts as an anti-convulsant as well as a mild anesthetic. By using this herb, smokers do not miss the effects of tobacco as they gradually stop smoking and adapt to taking Kava (Peter, Clive 2006). Lobelia, also known as Indian tobacco, has nicotine-like properties such as acting as a relaxant and a stimulant. This herb offers great help by reducing cravings. It also offers much assistance to smokers during withdrawal of nicotine by providing mild antidepressant effects (Melvyn, Edward 1991). Other products that help smokers are seen in terms of lifestyle. Smokers are advised to eat healthily while taking lots of water. This helps reduces craving and improves resistance to triggers. Let us not forget that having lots of sleep is also good for those planning to quit smoking (Peter, Clive 2006). There are gums that help smokers quit their habit. A good example is the nicotine gum. This helps the smokers to quit smoking gradually and is helpful by reducing the passage of dangerous particles to the lungs. Thus the smoker saves himself or herself from the risks of lung or throat cancer. The nicotine patch is also helpful to smokers to help them quit their smoking habit. Meditation is another form of self enhancement technique that would prove valuable to smokers in a bid to help them quit their habit. This helps them focus their energy from cravings and channel it to self improvement meditation (David 2011). There is the naval spray that contains nicotine that smokers

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Perception Of Happiness In Teenagers Philosophy Essay

The Perception Of Happiness In Teenagers Philosophy Essay Most teenagers do not know the true meaning behind happiness. A teenager usually feels stuck between childhood and adulthood, and that explains their mood shifts. In this research, a teenager was interviewed about his perspectives of how he can be happy just to derive some points to help answer my research question. For happiness to reside inside the teenage soul is quite a difficult task due to the teenagers unstable mood swings. If the teenager were to grow up as a depressed person, nothing good will come out of our country in future generations. Introduction The teenage stage in life is known to be the most complicated stage that a person undergoes. In that stage, teenagers are stuck between two stages; the childhood and adulthood. Teenagers want to be treated like adults, yet their actions show that they are still immature. For happiness to reside inside the teenage soul is quite a difficult task due to the teenagers unstable mood swings. The number of depressed teens in the world seems to be increasing. People wonder why when the have these wonderful technology nowadays, but maybe these miscellaneous items arent where happiness come from One reason behind teenagers sadness is maybe because teenagers dont know the true meaning and way of being happy. If teens grow up to be depression people, they will absolutely affect our community in many negative ways. It is a very critical matter to know of some ways that teenagers can achieve happiness by. The aim of this research is to find out more about true happiness in teenagers and what they can do to be happy. This is a serious matter that needs to be also dealt in professional hands because teenagers are very complicated people. Research Question: What are some ways that will help teenagers achieve true happiness? Literature review Strack, Schwarz, Gschneidinger (1985) assert, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦one must consider the psychological mechanisms that mediate between the external event and individuals happiness and satisfaction. Strack, Schwarz, Gschneidinger mention that a persons way of thinking, his psychological thoughts, will help him reach happiness and satisfaction with the outside world. They show that it isnt the external stituations that makes a person happy. Infact it is the psychological mechanism that a person thinks in that will make that person happy and satisfied. According to Martin (2005), happiness consists of a combination of three distinct elements; pleasure, the absence of displeasure, and satisfaction. All these elements seem to come from emotional and psychological areas. The first element pleasure is in the emotional state of feeling great. The second element the absence of displeasure, he quite reflects that no matter what happens, a person should not feel bad or unsatisfied with what he has. The third element satisfaction, he clearly says that one should always be satisfied. All these psychological elements seem to be revolving around the same concept. Stein (2011) says, Its far more likely the cashier was rude because of something in his own life. Furthermore, you will be happier if you assume his bad manners are due to his own issues. Thats two good reasons to assume it has nothing to do with you and move on. Stein gives an example of a situation that a person can face in an optimistic manner were she describes an angry cashier that sort of spoke in a rude manner. Instead of making a scene about it, Stein shows that if you show empathy towards the cashier and think that maybe he had a bad day, you will be much happier and his problems wont affect you. Stein also said, If you look hard enough, you can find something to learn and some good in any situation. Everyone has ups and downs in his or her life. The ups are the ones that any person does his or her best to cherish and love them, which is a good thing. But, when a bad thing or situation happens, people try to isolate these memories yet they know they cant. This will affect them mentally. But if they were to learn from these experiences and find the good in them, they will be happier no matter what happened. Methodology Section Type of Research: survey. Data Collection Tool: Tape-Recorded Interview Although there are many types of data collection tools, the most suitable tool for this research is a tape-recorded interview. An interview makes it easier for the interviewee to express his emotions and describe his real life experiences, noting down every single detail. That way the interviewee can tell his answers and descriptions more clearly and accurately. Background of interviewee: When picking an interviewee candidate for my interview, the following must be kept in consideration: A person who is a teenager (age 12-18): a teenager must be the interviewee to know how teenagers think and act. One must not interview an adult for a teenagers point of view. A person who always tends to avoid having problems: Such a teenager will not have many problems with other people, hence he will hardly be sad. A person who is happy and satisfied with life: Knowing what made him happy or how did he become happy will greatly assist this research. A person who is very calm and doesnt act irrationally: Such teens will know how to act in harsh situations without hurting themselves. Analysis and Interpretation The interviewee seems to be very understanding on the way other teenagers think. He grew up in the hands of very strict parents, yet he never complained about them. In fact, he always mentions how much he loves them and how grateful he is towards them. He also mentions some mistakes that teenagers always do. The interviewee starts the interview by giving two common wrong thoughts of what teenagers think happiness is. Teenagers usually think that happiness comes either from extrinsic items, like gifts and expensive objects, or intrinsic bonds, like those between your family and friends. The interviewee states, happiness is just how you think and how you interpret the problems you face in your everyday life. He says that happiness is more of a mindset rather than a physical or emotional being. The interviewee gives a wrong common interpretation that teenagers think when he gives an example to his description of happiness. He said, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦when you face a problem between you and your family, what a teenager usually thinks that his parents hates him and that his life is overà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Then he gives a consequence to this thinking when he says, then slowly these negative thoughts start controlling him gradually and he will end up hating his parents. He shows that this way of thinking is one of the reasons why teenagers are unhappy. He then shows the correct way of thinking when he said, But if he thinks about it in a positive way, like instead of his parents hating him, he should think that his parents are doing this to protect him, he will be a much happier and thankful person. He shows that optimism and empathy will make any teenager more happy and accepting. He summarizes his point that happiness comes from positive thinking. The interviewee shows that with the correct mindset, a teenager can feel like the happiest person in the world when he said, I really like to think of myself as from the happiest kids on earth because I believe when u thinks like that you feel like that. He shows that even if there is a problem, being proactive is best to solve it and therefore be much happier. He implies if a teenager is not proactive, his problems will gradually grow and expand, and they might reach to a point where this problem will affect him negatively. The interviewee shares some of his methods that make him happy when he said, Well I try my best to think of my life and problems in a different way, by always thinking positive. Plus I always tend to expect the worst, but not in a pessimistic way. He gives an additional example were he shows that happiness comes from the correct thoughts or the correct mindset. He shows that having humble expectations can help a teenager be much more happy and appreciative in any situation. The interviewee describes himself as any other teenager, showing that he can also be in the same situation that any teenager can be in. The only different thing is the way he acts in that situation. He implies that being self-aware and proactive is the best way to approach a situation. This way a teenager can solve any problem that stands in his way, therefore making him a happier person. In the end of the interview, the interviewee asserted that happiness is internal, and that any teenager can be happy if he wants to. He indirectly states again that true happiness comes from the correct mindset. Conclusion So, What are some ways that will help teenagers achieve true happiness? Research Question Answers: They should think positively. They should show empathy toward others. They should be optimistic. They should be proactive towards their problems. They should have humble expectations They should be self-aware. In conclusion, the mistakes those teenagers commit mostly revolve around their negative thoughts. This is one of the reasons that lead them to be depressed. Teens should be taught of such helpful methods that the interviewee showed and even more. Teenagers are the future of our community and they should be filled with happiness and bright thoughts. I recommend that teenagers should implement these methods that the interviewee performs because if the teenagers in our community were to be depressed and unsatisfied with life, they will grow to be unsuccessful men. Schools should make psychology classes that can help teenagers in their school learn more about how to be happy. This matter is very important because if our teens were to be unhappy then our community will fall to the ground because in the future they wont be successful. Scientists that understand about teenagers must perform more research and studies on the happiness in teenagers to help find more ways for them to be happy. Critical Reflection When the second semester in school started, a sudden rush hit me. I remembered that in the second semester we are supposed to take research classes, and in the end of the year were supposed to hand the teacher a full research project that will hold a high percentage of our report card grade. I was scared, until the first research period. Our teacher came and explained what research is and how easy it is if we follow 10 simple steps in the coming months. He also told us that this would help us in our university, especially because Im going to pursue a medical career. The first step wasnt very hard. I already had some areas in mind that I would love to know more about. I wrote the three areas easily, but the hard part was picking the one I wanted to work on most. In the end, I chose the topic I want most, and the one that seems to be the most informative. Until now, I felt great and satisfied with the research. In the second step, I had to pick the best title for my research. I had to check what I wanted to find in this research first to put the most suitable title. Until know the steps seem to be very simple, yet I knew I had a long way to go. I took a look at some research samples of the previous year. It was then when I became shocked and terrified. These samples seemed to be very complicated and long. I knew Im still very far from being able to perform a proper research. In the third step, I had to find some research questions that show my aim of this research. I asked the teacher for some guidance because I didnt want to pick a very complicated research question that needs time and relentless effort to perform. I felt relieved when I asked my teacher about it because as it seems the research questions I was going to choose were very complicated. In the fourth step, I had to figure how am I going to gather my information and in what method. This step felt like a break because I already planned before how am I going to gather my information. The fifth and sixth step were the hardest so far. I felt very pressured because we only had limited time to perform these steps. Finding the proper questions for my interview was very difficult, but with my teachers help I was able to finish in time. When I finished formulating my interview questions, I had to look for the best interviewee. This task was easy because I already had a person in mind. The seventh step wasnt hard, yet it was time consuming. I felt really pressured due to the fact we had two weeks left, and I still have many questions regarding the research. In this step I had to transcribe the whole interview on the computer. I felt like this step would take forever. I just kept on typing and typing non-stop until I finished transcribing it. Here I was in the last three steps. I was scared, yet thrilled that Im almost done from the research. This step wasnt very complicated, but finding the correct information was very hard. I hardly found some literary reviews for my topic. These steps took a lot of time. For a second I thought I would never finish this research on time. So I worked very hard to finish this research, which took me days and nights of non-stop typing and searching. In the end, I was able to get this research done. I felt very happy and relieved because the final graded assignment of this year is finally over. References Martin, P. (2005).  Making Happy People: The Nature of Happiness and Its Origins in . Childhood. Paul Martin. HarperPerennial. Stein, C. (2011). How To Be Happy (p. 41). New York: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Retrieved from Strack, F., Schwarz, N., Gschneidinger, E. (1985). Happiness and reminiscing: The role of time perspective, affect, and mode of thinking. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49(6), 1460-1469. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.49.6.1460

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Japanese in America Essay -- essays research papers

Pocky, Anime, manga, kanji. Have you heard of any of these? If not†¦ where have you been? All around us teenagers, children, and even adults are being drawn into Japanese culture through TV, books, and even food. Japanese comics, called manga, take up more and more space on American bookshelves, and they've infused new life into the publishing industry. Japanese animation, anime, is on more and more movies and TV screens and influencing popular toys and games. Before the 80’s when people thought of Japanese imports, they thought of cars, TV’s, walkmans, and other electronics. Japanese pop culture is becoming increasingly popular and shows no signs of stopping. Now children are trying to learn Japanese and martial arts to be like their favorite anime character. Teens are learning to speak Japanese and adopting Japanese clothes, food, and even traditions. Adults are enthralled by the colorful and vast world of anime and manga and are amazed they can have such a lasting effect on their kids. Some people may wonder why Japanese anime and manga are so popular with kids and the answer is simple. They’re so different and captivating, everyone can find one they enjoy. You have action, comedy, romance, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, and tons more. Some even mix and match, making a truly wonderful and breathtaking experience. And it’s not just the movie and book industry either. Music, known as J-pop or J- rock, is taking up more and more room on the Internet. The Japanese bands are not o...